okp4d query ibc-fee
IBC relayer incentivization query subcommands
-h, --help help for ibc-fee
Options inherited from parent commands
--chain-id string The network chain ID (default "okp4d")
- okp4d query - Querying subcommands
- okp4d query ibc-fee channel - Query the ibc-fee enabled status of a channel
- okp4d query ibc-fee channels - Query the ibc-fee enabled channels
- okp4d query ibc-fee counterparty-payee - Query the relayer counterparty payee on a given channel
- okp4d query ibc-fee packet - Query for an unrelayed incentivized packet by port-id, channel-id and packet sequence.
- okp4d query ibc-fee packets - Query for all of the unrelayed incentivized packets and associated fees across all channels.
- okp4d query ibc-fee packets-for-channel - Query for all of the unrelayed incentivized packets on a given channel
- okp4d query ibc-fee payee - Query the relayer payee address on a given channel
- okp4d query ibc-fee total-ack-fees - Query the total acknowledgement fees for a packet
- okp4d query ibc-fee total-recv-fees - Query the total receive fees for a packet
- okp4d query ibc-fee total-timeout-fees - Query the total timeout fees for a packet