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Version: v3.0.0

Digital resource rights credential

Name: credential-digital-resource-rights



Here are the namespaces used in this schema:

Verifiable Credential

IRI: credential-digital-resource-rights:DigitalResourceRightsCredential


Digital Resource Rights Credentials provide comprehensive information regarding the authorship, creation, publishing, and licensing of a Digital Resource.

These details are critical for understanding the Digital Resource's provenance, ownership, and the terms under which it can be used.


Has author

IRI: credential-digital-resource-rights:hasAuthor

Rangeschema:Organization, schema:Person

The author(s) of the Digital Resource.

Has creator

IRI: credential-digital-resource-rights:hasCreator

Rangeschema:Organization, schema:Person

The creator or entity responsible for compiling or generating the Digital Resource.

Has license

IRI: credential-digital-resource-rights:hasLicense


The licensing terms under which the Digital Resource is made available.

Has publisher

IRI: credential-digital-resource-rights:hasPublisher

Rangeschema:Organization, schema:Person

The publisher of the Digital Resource.