is a predicate that writes a term to a stream or alias.
The signature is as follows:
write_term(+Stream, +Term, +Options)
- Stream represents the stream or alias to write the term to.
- Term represents the term to write.
- Options represents the options to control the writing process.
Valid options are:
- quoted(Bool): If true, atoms and strings that need quotes will be quoted. The default is false.
- ignore_ops(Bool): If true, the generic term representation (<functor>(<args> ... )) will be used for all terms. Otherwise (default), operators will be used where appropriate.
- numbervars(Bool): If true, variables will be numbered. The default is false.
- variable_names(+List): Assign names to variables in Term. List is a list of Name = Var terms, where Name is an atom and Var is a variable.
- max_depth(+Int): The maximum depth to which the term is written. The default is infinite.