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Version: v11.0.1


axoned start

Run the full node


Run the full node application with CometBFT in or out of process. By default, the application will run with CometBFT in process.

Pruning options can be provided via the '--pruning' flag or alternatively with '--pruning-keep-recent', and 'pruning-interval' together.

For '--pruning' the options are as follows:

default: the last 362880 states are kept, pruning at 10 block intervals nothing: all historic states will be saved, nothing will be deleted (i.e. archiving node) everything: 2 latest states will be kept; pruning at 10 block intervals. custom: allow pruning options to be manually specified through 'pruning-keep-recent', and 'pruning-interval'

Node halting configurations exist in the form of two flags: '--halt-height' and '--halt-time'. During the ABCI Commit phase, the node will check if the current block height is greater than or equal to the halt-height or if the current block time is greater than or equal to the halt-time. If so, the node will attempt to gracefully shutdown and the block will not be committed. In addition, the node will not be able to commit subsequent blocks.

For profiling and benchmarking purposes, CPU profiling can be enabled via the '--cpu-profile' flag which accepts a path for the resulting pprof file.

The node may be started in a 'query only' mode where only the gRPC and JSON HTTP API services are enabled via the 'grpc-only' flag. In this mode, CometBFT is bypassed and can be used when legacy queries are needed after an on-chain upgrade is performed. Note, when enabled, gRPC will also be automatically enabled.

axoned start [flags]


      --abci string                                     specify abci transport (socket | grpc) (default "socket")
--address string Listen address (default "tcp://")
--api.address string the API server address to listen on (default "tcp://localhost:1317")
--api.enable Define if the API server should be enabled
--api.enabled-unsafe-cors Define if CORS should be enabled (unsafe - use it at your own risk)
--api.max-open-connections uint Define the number of maximum open connections (default 1000)
--api.rpc-max-body-bytes uint Define the CometBFT maximum request body (in bytes) (default 1000000)
--api.rpc-read-timeout uint Define the CometBFT RPC read timeout (in seconds) (default 10)
--api.rpc-write-timeout uint Define the CometBFT RPC write timeout (in seconds)
--api.swagger Define if swagger documentation should automatically be registered (Note: the API must also be enabled)
--consensus.create_empty_blocks set this to false to only produce blocks when there are txs or when the AppHash changes (default true)
--consensus.create_empty_blocks_interval string the possible interval between empty blocks (default "0s")
--consensus.double_sign_check_height int how many blocks to look back to check existence of the node's consensus votes before joining consensus
--cpu-profile string Enable CPU profiling and write to the provided file
--db_backend string database backend: goleveldb | cleveldb | boltdb | rocksdb | badgerdb (default "goleveldb")
--db_dir string database directory (default "data")
--genesis_hash bytesHex optional SHA-256 hash of the genesis file
--grpc-only Start the node in gRPC query only mode (no CometBFT process is started)
--grpc-web.enable Define if the gRPC-Web server should be enabled. (Note: gRPC must also be enabled) (default true)
--grpc.address string the gRPC server address to listen on (default "localhost:9090")
--grpc.enable Define if the gRPC server should be enabled (default true)
--halt-height uint Block height at which to gracefully halt the chain and shutdown the node
--halt-time uint Minimum block time (in Unix seconds) at which to gracefully halt the chain and shutdown the node
-h, --help help for start
--home string The application home directory (default "/home/john/.axoned")
--iavl-disable-fastnode Disable fast node for IAVL tree
--inter-block-cache Enable inter-block caching (default true)
--inv-check-period uint Assert registered invariants every N blocks
--mempool.max-txs int Sets MaxTx value for the app-side mempool (default -1)
--min-retain-blocks uint Minimum block height offset during ABCI commit to prune CometBFT blocks
--minimum-gas-prices string Minimum gas prices to accept for transactions; Any fee in a tx must meet this minimum (e.g. 0.01photino;0.0001stake)
--moniker string node name (default "my-machine")
--p2p.external-address string ip:port address to advertise to peers for them to dial
--p2p.laddr string node listen address. ( means any interface, any port) (default "tcp://")
--p2p.persistent_peers string comma-delimited ID@host:port persistent peers
--p2p.pex enable/disable Peer-Exchange (default true)
--p2p.private_peer_ids string comma-delimited private peer IDs
--p2p.seed_mode enable/disable seed mode
--p2p.seeds string comma-delimited ID@host:port seed nodes
--p2p.unconditional_peer_ids string comma-delimited IDs of unconditional peers
--priv_validator_laddr string socket address to listen on for connections from external priv_validator process
--proxy_app string proxy app address, or one of: 'kvstore', 'persistent_kvstore' or 'noop' for local testing. (default "tcp://")
--pruning string Pruning strategy (default|nothing|everything|custom) (default "default")
--pruning-interval uint Height interval at which pruned heights are removed from disk (ignored if pruning is not 'custom')
--pruning-keep-recent uint Number of recent heights to keep on disk (ignored if pruning is not 'custom')
--query-gas-limit uint Maximum gas a Rest/Grpc query can consume. Blank and 0 imply unbounded.
--rpc.grpc_laddr string GRPC listen address (BroadcastTx only). Port required
--rpc.laddr string RPC listen address. Port required (default "tcp://")
--rpc.pprof_laddr string pprof listen address (
--rpc.unsafe enabled unsafe rpc methods
--shutdown-grace duration On Shutdown, duration to wait for resource clean up
--state-sync.snapshot-interval uint State sync snapshot interval
--state-sync.snapshot-keep-recent uint32 State sync snapshot to keep (default 2)
--trace Provide full stack traces for errors in ABCI Log
--trace-store string Enable KVStore tracing to an output file
--transport string Transport protocol: socket, grpc (default "socket")
--unsafe-skip-upgrades ints Skip a set of upgrade heights to continue the old binary
--wasm.memory_cache_size uint32 Sets the size in MiB (NOT bytes) of an in-memory cache for Wasm modules. Set to 0 to disable. (default 100)
--wasm.query_gas_limit uint Set the max gas that can be spent on executing a query with a Wasm contract (default 3000000)
--wasm.simulation_gas_limit string Set the max gas that can be spent when executing a simulation TX
--wasm.skip_wasmvm_version_check Skip check that ensures that libwasmvm version (the Rust project) and wasmvm version (the Go project) match
--with-comet Run abci app embedded in-process with CometBFT (default true)
--x-crisis-skip-assert-invariants Skip x/crisis invariants check on startup


  • axoned - Axone - Orchestration Layer for AI